Chicago Cubs relief pitcher AROLDIS CHAMPMAN throws a strike to Cleveland Indians pinch hitter Brandon Guyer in the bottom of the ninth inning of game 6 of the World Series. CHAPMAN was taken out of the game after walking Guyer having thrown 20 pitches. The Cubs went on to win 9-3 and forcing a game 7.
Uplaoded are 8 selected images from game 6 of the World Series. Tomorrow promises to be one of the most exciting game 7’s of the World Series. The big question, of course, is can the Cubs find a way to solve Cleveland’s unhittable Duo- KLUBER AND MILLER? …And Did the Cubs Joe Maddon make a mistake by overusing
AROLDIS CHAPMAN and basically forfeiting an opportunity to use him tomorrow? We shall see. Feel free to use what ever you need from the 8 images that I have sent you.
I will send you some more iconic images tomorrow night.